Friday, January 31, 2014

Twitter is the most popular social networking site at present. If you compare it with other social networking sites you will find twitter is far ahead of them. It means everything to its users. It’s a great way to communicate with our favorite persons and follow them. But do you know you can very easily use twitter to get massive traffic without spending a single penny? It’s very easy, believe me. I have been using twitter for couple of years and it has been a great source of my blog’s traffic. Since I have gained success in getting traffic from twitter, I would like to tell you more about it. Here is how I did this
Don’t tell your audience to read your post, ask a question
I have seen people on twitter saying that Hey friends, check out my new blog post: Are you doing these mistakes? In this way you can’t get the impression required from your audiences. They will just look on to your tweet and go away. Instead of this I suggest you to ask a question about how they feel about certain topic. Ask for their opinion, what they have to say. This technique works better than simply telling to read blog posts. The core thing is you are giving importance to your audience when you ask for their opinion. The equation is always simple, give importance to your audience; they will return you what you want from them.

Tweet about your blog’s comments
The most interesting part of my blog is the comment section. I can easily communicate with my audience through this section. Sometimes I find quality conversation on some blog posts. These comments works well than anything else. You need to make other people know about the quality of the conversation. So, make a tweet referring to quality conversation of your blog comment section. I have done this several times, and seen people commenting on those tweets. It’s a great chance to make loyal audience form twitter. So, why shouldn’t you avail this?
Use # Hash tags
I have been using hash tags on twitter for a long time, it’s a great tool to increase  the visibility of your tweets. When you use hash tags, you enable others to find that topic easily. There is a common method of using hash tags. First enter the # sign, and then type the topic you want to create. For example, you want create a hash tag on blogging. Type,  # blogging. That’s it. When other people will search on that topic , they will find yours. It’s so easy!

Use @ Mentions
If you want to tweet to anyone directly, you can use @mentions. It’s the smarter and professional way to interact with your followers. When you mention your follower’s name in this way, the conversation gets more interesting and bears importance to others as well. Thank those who comment on your tweet using mentions. They will appreciate it and comment on your tweet again. Even if he/she is a new follower, don’t hesitate to thank them, this is a great way to create more loyal audiences for your blog

Include your blog link to your cover pic
A cover pic is the first thing that comes to our notice when we visit someone’s account. That’s why including your blog’s link to the cover pic can certainly increase the traffic for your blog. If you visit my twitter account, you will find that I have placed my blog’s link on the cover pic. I would highly recommend you to do so.

Use attracting images on tweets
Twitter allows you to add images to your tweets. Though most of the twitter users don’t often use that, but it’s a great way to attract followers to your blog. Find a related quality image for your blog post and add that with tweet. In this way you can certainly gain a good number of visitors to your blog. I have used that, now it’s your turn

Don’t overdo it!
Everything has a limit. Avoid tweeting about your blog every now and then. People don’t use twitter to see a bunch of links telling them to visit their blogs. Don’t be so selfish. You need to tweet on other topics as well. Tweeting every minute looks spamy. There is a certain time when you will find you need to tweet. Only tweet then at a limited level. Contribute to your followers; they will contribute to you in return!

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