Friday, January 31, 2014

Twitter is the most popular social networking site at present. If you compare it with other social networking sites you will find twitter is far ahead of them. It means everything to its users. It’s a great way to communicate with our favorite persons and follow them. But do you know you can very easily use twitter to get massive traffic without spending a single penny? It’s very easy, believe me. I have been using twitter for couple of years and it has been a great source of my blog’s traffic. Since I have gained success in getting traffic from twitter, I would like to tell you more about it. Here is how I did this
Don’t tell your audience to read your post, ask a question
I have seen people on twitter saying that Hey friends, check out my new blog post: Are you doing these mistakes? In this way you can’t get the impression required from your audiences. They will just look on to your tweet and go away. Instead of this I suggest you to ask a question about how they feel about certain topic. Ask for their opinion, what they have to say. This technique works better than simply telling to read blog posts. The core thing is you are giving importance to your audience when you ask for their opinion. The equation is always simple, give importance to your audience; they will return you what you want from them.

Tweet about your blog’s comments
The most interesting part of my blog is the comment section. I can easily communicate with my audience through this section. Sometimes I find quality conversation on some blog posts. These comments works well than anything else. You need to make other people know about the quality of the conversation. So, make a tweet referring to quality conversation of your blog comment section. I have done this several times, and seen people commenting on those tweets. It’s a great chance to make loyal audience form twitter. So, why shouldn’t you avail this?
Use # Hash tags
I have been using hash tags on twitter for a long time, it’s a great tool to increase  the visibility of your tweets. When you use hash tags, you enable others to find that topic easily. There is a common method of using hash tags. First enter the # sign, and then type the topic you want to create. For example, you want create a hash tag on blogging. Type,  # blogging. That’s it. When other people will search on that topic , they will find yours. It’s so easy!

Use @ Mentions
If you want to tweet to anyone directly, you can use @mentions. It’s the smarter and professional way to interact with your followers. When you mention your follower’s name in this way, the conversation gets more interesting and bears importance to others as well. Thank those who comment on your tweet using mentions. They will appreciate it and comment on your tweet again. Even if he/she is a new follower, don’t hesitate to thank them, this is a great way to create more loyal audiences for your blog

Include your blog link to your cover pic
A cover pic is the first thing that comes to our notice when we visit someone’s account. That’s why including your blog’s link to the cover pic can certainly increase the traffic for your blog. If you visit my twitter account, you will find that I have placed my blog’s link on the cover pic. I would highly recommend you to do so.

Use attracting images on tweets
Twitter allows you to add images to your tweets. Though most of the twitter users don’t often use that, but it’s a great way to attract followers to your blog. Find a related quality image for your blog post and add that with tweet. In this way you can certainly gain a good number of visitors to your blog. I have used that, now it’s your turn

Don’t overdo it!
Everything has a limit. Avoid tweeting about your blog every now and then. People don’t use twitter to see a bunch of links telling them to visit their blogs. Don’t be so selfish. You need to tweet on other topics as well. Tweeting every minute looks spamy. There is a certain time when you will find you need to tweet. Only tweet then at a limited level. Contribute to your followers; they will contribute to you in return!

Monday, January 13, 2014

It reminds me of my earlier days in this blogging world when I was following some of the best bloggers such as Leslie Samuel. Sometimes I spent 2-3 hours only reading his blog. His blog has a huge collection of resources that’s why it  attracted me so much. But the most amazing part of all his articles was the headlines. He used to create some of the best and effective bog article headlines I have ever seen.

A visitor, at first, reads the headline of a blog article. The visitor does not know how informative, enjoyable or boring the article might be. What would keep the visitor interested to read a certain article?  
A persuading blog headline does the job. It creates curiosity, enthusiasm in a random visitor to read an article. To me, a good headline is a gatekeeper. The headline of an article will decide what an audience would do. Will he read the full post? Or make a haste look and go away for other ones.

This post elaborately discusses on how you can write great headlines for your article. My suggestion will be don’t just read this article, try to implement the tips on writing your own articles. No body taught me to create these types of headlines, creating  unique and effective headlines also depends on individual creativity. I will help you learn some of the best headline formats but you must put your own creativity with it. Then you will get a great result
Top 6 Headline Formats that You Can Use
I will show you some top headline formats ; I won’t go for details as you can easily understand the techniques of writing these formats. In my blog, you will find these types of headlines here and there. The headline formats are-
“How” Format
To me, it’s the best and most used format on the blog world. Millions of article headlines have been written on this format. The most common “How” format is” How to” when you want to teach something to your audience. But never overuse the headline format in your blog. Here are some good examples of “how” format “How To Create a Blog”

·         “How To Monetize Your Blog – A Step By Step Guide”
·         “How a Blogging Icon  Made My Life Changed”
·         “How You Can Make Your audience Fall in Love with You”
·         “How I Started My Blogging Journey”
The “Why” Headline
The second format that I prefer is “Why” format. The “why” format asks a question and the readers may be looking for the question’s answer. To know the proper answer of that question, a reader has to read the full article. It’s an awesome technique to make your audience read the full article
·          “Why You Struggle with Your Blog”
·         “Why Blogs Fail to be Noticed”
·         “Why I Succeeded In My Blogging Journey”
·         “Why Narrow Thinking Will Boost Up Your Traffic”
·         “Why  New Bloggers  Get it Difficult to Make Loyal Audiences”
 Open Loop Format
You don’t need to abide by any specific principal while creating headlines with this format. You can use it in a diverse way like these…

·         “Do You know This Secret Traffic Technique?”
·         “Are You Following This Powerful Principle?”
·         “Where Is Your Creative Soul Hiding?”
·         “What Makes You a Successful Blogger?”
·         “Are You Aware of These Mistakes?”
This format will ask you a question and will make you compelled to read the full articles.
I have used this headline for writing many articles in this blog.
Famous “Context Phrase: Headline” Format
The headline applies a simple principal, placing an opinion, someone’s name or just a phrase before a certain headline. You need to use a colon sign between these two things. Just look at these examples
·         “Leslie Samuel: How A Blogger Changed Others’ Life ”
·          “Email Marketing: Is it Still Valid?”
(Brackets) Headline Format
 This format comes up with a headline and some words in a bracket. The words in the brackets are explanatory ones that make the headline more effective and compelling. It’s very similar to context: phrase headline. Here are some examples

·         “What Successful Bloggers Implement (But You Never Do?)”
·         “Satisfy Your Audience’s Needs  (Or Give Up Like a Loser)”
·         “The Secret (And truth) of My Blogging Success ”
·         “How To be Creative (And That’s why Your Audiences Will Love You)”
The List Headline
It’s the strongest format ever. Mostly used on the internet for a long time. Usually used to explain a process of how to do a particular thing. Sometimes, it provides Hierarchy of different ways. Sometimes it provides some important tips with no hierarchy level. The format is very flexible, and depends on the writer how he/she can use it in different ways.
·          “10  Traffic Tips To Double Your Audience Number”
·         “My Top 10 Methods To Make Money Online”
·         “10 Blogging Tips To Build a Better Blog”
·         “7 Steps To Be a Successful Blogger ”
·         “5 Questions You Need to Answer Before Starting Your Own Blog”
Some Tips on Implementing These Headline Formats

1.        Try To Make the Headlines Short, don’t make it so long that the readers find it boring
2.        Always avoid passive tone when you create headlines. It does not sound good
3.        Don’t use a same headline format again and again, try different headline formats 
4.      Forget about keywords, just write according to your audience’s demand, you will find your keywords in the article automatically!
5.    First write a full article and then decide what should be the appropriate headline for that article.

Friday, January 10, 2014

A few weeks ago I was talking to one of my friends about making his blog more accomplished. I was providing some tips and then I realized these tips are some diamond rules for having successful blogging career. All the successful bloggers have sincerely implemented these blogging fundamentals. I thought I must share these great tips with you. These tips would truly help you become a successful blogger within sometime.
May be you will think that these tips are  old and well known, but believe me, new bloggers don’t want to implement these well known ,easy tips because of idleness. It’s my humble suggestion to all new bloggers that never underestimate these basic blogging rules. These easy but powerful tips can lift your blogging career very quickly.

1. Create a Persuading Author Box
Before I proceed, do you really know what does it mean by author box? You will see a particular box at the end of each article providing some information about the writer. You will find these kinds of boxes in most of the successful blogs. This small box has the potential to drive good traffic for your new blog.
In general, these boxes provide some basic information about the author and the sometime it keeps audiences connected with great features of the blog. Suppose, you have written an Ebook and you want to give it for free to your audiences. So, you can use the link at the end of the author box. This free Ebook will make your audience more loyal. They will come to your blog and look for new features. It will create a firm relationship between you and your audiences.

May be, you will think “I am the only blogger on my blog, my audiences know me, why should I make an author box?’ If you are the only author that does not mean you should not lose the opportunity to be more familiar with your audience. This specific tool will help you make a strong bonding with your audiences, so why not avail it?
2. Tell Stories to Create Interest
If you thoroughly read my articles, you will find that I tend to tell stories of my own and others .By telling that story I can simply draw the attention of my audiences. They become focused and ready to read the full article. It’s a great technique of telling a story and then narrating the result of that. People become motivated hearing those stories. It’s proven when you enjoy, you learn better. Telling a story makes the learning enjoyable .When you tell stories try to be more specific, it will help you gain more response to your blog. Give them the taste of real world experience, they will come again and follow you.
3. Be Precise, Make Your Words Specific
This is one of the fundamental points I often say to new bloggers. Being precise in words will help you gain the most attention and response from your audience. People don’t like speeches where they wait for something to hear and they aren’t getting it. It will make them bored and finally they will stop visiting. So, tell precisely, explain everything that you know and see the response. It would definitely create great impression.
People would be interested if you can precisely say
“I worked on Google keyword tool for 2 days and found these most searched keywords-
·         how to create a blog
·         Create a profitable blog
·         Create a free blog
·         Create a wordpress blog”

But if you had written it in this way, it would not have much attention -
“I worked for hours to search for popular keywords”
The secret is, the more you become precise and specific, the better attention and response you get from your audience. When you present anything with details and explanation it seems to be more proven and provides valuable suggestion what audiences should do. They tend to believe your blog as an important resource house. Providing great value to audience will result in great attention to your blog .Then whatever you ask from your readers, they would love to do that.
4. Produce More “Top List” Posts
There are many methods of producing a quality article. But the most used and influencing method is the “Top List” method. It’s the best writing format ever to my perspective. You will see many of my articles have been written in this format. It’s a popular one on the internet followed by most of the writers.
This format will head a persuasive headline containing the word “Top” at the beginning. It works effectively to catch the attention of the audiences. There is no limit to the numbers that you place after the word “Top”. It may be Top 15 , top 25 or even Top 100. Good examples of top list is
·         “Top 15 most talented footballers ever ”
·         “Top 30 blogs that will inspire you to learn”
·         “Top 40 ways to create free traffic to your blog”

If you are writing about some popular people on the internet in this top list, try to provide their pictures. It will add more interest to your article. Then you can email them about the post. These types of articles need some research but it won’t be hard for you. You will come across some people who won’t agree with your top list, but don’t stop. You can’t satisfy everyone.
5. Narrate As If You Are Speaking to Your Friend

You might have many audiences in your blog, but when you compose an article, think like you are talking to your friend and providing him some valuable tips. It’s because one person at a time visits your blog. So, you should create articles that show you are talking with one individual only.
To make this technique more effective, you can use 2nd person words (you) frequently. It will show that you are delivering a one to one speech.
After learning this technique I implemented it in my every post. The results were amazing! I strongly recommend you to use that to create loyal audiences.
6. Provide Immediate Response to Comments

Responding to your audience’s comment can build a strong author-audience relationship. These comments can take many forms. Some will thank you for writing a helpful post; others will give their opinion, ask for suggestion and lastly leave a question for you. In all cases, you need to respond promptly to show how much serious and careful you are for your blog’s audiences.
 A comment that is responded quickly will create more enthusiasm for your readers’ to come back to your blog.  Comments left on your articles, especially the solid comments with questions or feedback, should be responded to as soon as possible. This shows that you care about the person who was interested enough in your article to leave a comment and are listening to what they have to say.
7. Be Sincere in Creating Quality Articles
The last and foremost tip that I always give is create at least one pillar article a day. Be consistent, this is the thing that matters most. You may be tired of hearing the phrase “Content is the king”. It’s a universal truth you can’t ignore. But you need to be consistent with your quality articles. Don’t be irregular in posting. Try to post every day. That makes your blog more active and adds value every time your audiences visit your blog.
Make this habit and you are going to have a successful blogging journey. I found many bloggers complaining about their blogging failures, but they don’t even think that are they providing enough value to their blogs? Are they sincere about content production? The trick is simple, the more you become consistent, the more success you achieve.
Implement these 7 tips; you will never need to look back.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Often new bloggers ask me this question. “Which topic should I choose to start my blogging career?” I give them some tips to help them choose the right topic for their blog. This is what I will be giving to you in this post.
To me, this is the most important step where you cannot afford anything wrong. Any mistake in this step can ruin all your efforts and dreams, so you need to be aware when choosing a right topic for your blog.
A wrong topic can destroy everything and when you realize this terrible mistake, may be it will be too late for you to change the direction that you are in.
New bloggers often makes these mistakes when they choose topic for their blog. You should keep in mind these tips I am providing. These are
1.  New bloggers often choose a topic because they see successful bloggers are making a very decent amount of money with that topic. They think “ If they can do it, why can’t I?” Don’t be illogical my friend, blogging success depends on many conditions; choosing the right topic is one of them, but it is not everything. You can obviously follow the successful bloggers, but don’t blindly follow them. Always remember, the factors are different for every blogger’s success.

2.   Choose a topic that you are very passionate about; It will be easier for you to share your passion with others. But if you don’t find enough passionate audience on the topic, it’s worth nothing. So be careful to determine the demand of your blog topic.

3.   Don’t pick a blog topic in which you have very little knowledge and you can’t write enough quality articles because of that.

4.    Don’t make a mess by writing about varieties of topics. It will surely affect your traffic and you will loose focus.
If I Have No Idea At All, What I Need to Do?
5. If you don’t have enough idea on choosing the right topic for your blog, just do this step. Make a list of your favorite things that you enjoy very much. On other words, name some of the topics that you are really passionate about.
It’s really easy to write on that topic that you are really interested in. You know many things on that topic. You can share those things easily with others. You will be able to post frequently. That’s make your blog more active. When you choose something from your favorite topics, you really control everything on your blog.
I believe if you can start your blog with a right topic and work hard on that for a couple of months, you will get enough traffic. When you have a regular traffic you don’t need to worry at all. Money making options will be more available to you then.
So, take my word. Invest a good amount of time to your blog at the very beginning for writing quality articles. The right topic will always help you if you are regular and sincere about that.
I wish a great blogging success for you. Thanks for reading my article.

Sonia Rahaman

Monday, January 6, 2014

It’s a long time since I heard the concept of “Pillar Article”. People also like to call it as “Pillar Content“. This pillar content is a real game changing factor for your blog’s success. That’s why,  its importance is immense when you build up your blogging community.
It’s an ideal example of how great blog contents should be. Bloggers understand this concept and many of them are producing really good pillar contents at present. People love to read pillar contents, for this reason thousands of pillar contents are being created every day.
For your benefit, I am describing the concept of pillar content briefly
What’s a Pillar Content?
Pillar content is an article that teaches audiences something that they don’t know. It may take the form of tutorial based content. Many a times the headline of pillar content starts with “How to”. The headline grasps the attention when anyone reads the article for the first time. The headlines can also start with “Why”, asking a question, giving an opinion. The introduction describes subject and gives valuable information of its importance.
The body of pillar content is presented in a list where different steps of a process is described in detailed.

So, What is the benefit of pillar articles?
A pillar article is truly effective in this crowded world of blogging. There are some special features that makes it unique and stand out among others. These are

·     People share pillar contents extensively using various social networking sites like Facebook

·     Pillar contents are son influencing that other blogs make reference to your contents  
  and sometimes link to your blog creating a free traffic for you.

·      It becomes popular in a short amount of time, people speak about your content and refer it to others. As a result your blog enjoys a flood of traffic while you don’t do anything for SEO

·         More traffic to your blog results in higher rank, your blog becomes a profitable medium to advertisers

Pillar content will provide your blog with many benefits but the most important of these is traffic. It will create a huge rush of visitors initially. Eventually the traffic will be organic and long term. It will be in search results in different engines and also get traffic from other places.
How You Can Great Pillar Articles in This Crowded World of Blogging
I have made a list of techniques that you can use while you create a pillar content for your audience
1.   Use The “How To” Formula to Teach Something New to Your Audience

Suppose you know how to succeed with a blog. You know the full process, so try to write an article with that headline. Audiences will surely want to read your post because they also want to know that procedure, they also want to succeed with their blog. You are giving their desired information, so they will obviously read that article. This is the main formula, understand the desire of your audience, they will surely going to be loyal to you.

Advanced “How to” Formula

The “how to” formula is very effective one. You can also add some special features to this formula. It will create more attention to your post. For example, the traditional How to formula will be like this “How to Start blogging”, but you can add up something more attractive to this sentence like this “How to start blogging - Step by step guide for the beginners”. The second one will surely drive the attention better. So, if you take my point try the second advanced formula, you will definitely have a better result.

2.   Define a Definition of Something New That Others May Not Know

The definition is very effective in our market place where you know something and others don’t know. So your job is to explain them what does it mean. When people learn a new thing they feel enthusiastic. They become grateful to that person who has taught them that thing. This is your opportunity. Grab this; make loyal audiences who will visit your site frequently because you are teaching something new to them every time they visit. For example, you may understand what page rank is. But many people don’t even know about it. So teach them what it is. Explain them with examples. Believe me; they will come back to you to learn something new again and again.

3.   Use List to Draw  Attention of Your Audience

Giving a list to create a pillar content is always my favorite one. It has the power to draw attention of audience at quick time. May be a person who is reading your blog is tired, so he wants to know about the topic very quickly. Those lists are going to work for you. It always works. For example, you can write “Top 10 ways to make people love your blog”, or “10 things you must implement to your blog”. When anyone will see this kind of article describing the process in lists, they feel interested in that topic. That’s why it is so popular and attractive. So, I recommend you to use a list to your post, it will have a great result

4.   Use Multimedia ( Image, Audio and Video) to Explain and Put More Emphasize

People tend to learn things differently, some prefer reading only text, and some prefer audio, video or image to learn something new. You need to fulfill the different desire of your audience. So produce some article with different multimedia that will create more and more interest to the content, it will be more enjoyable. You will find I have different types of article in my blog. Some contain images, some video; even I have used some cartoons in some of the article. So if you can produce article like I have done, you can surely succeed with your blog

5.   Try to Write a Pillar Content Everyday

The last thing that I want to share with you is publishing a pillar article everyday day. I know, it sounds difficult, but believe me, you can’t imagine how important it is for your blog. The search engines really love fresh contents. The more you produce fresh pillar contents, the more benefit you get from the search engines. Your audience will visit your site every day because you are teaching them something new every time they visit your blog. It keeps them interested. But remember one thing, never publish other’s content. No matter how much you try, Google will find that and will deal a death blow to your site

That’s it friends, let me know if you have any question and suggestion how you can create a pillar  more effectively. Share with me, what kind of post you expect from me in the future. If you find this valuable, please share it in the social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus , Pinterest and let your friends know about it. So, best of luck with you pillar content!

Friday, January 3, 2014

It was a very special day for me when I first started my blog. There was only one loyal audience of my blog at the very beginning, it was me. Gradually the situation started to change, audiences started to visit my pages at a great number. As a result my blog became very popular within a few days. Not everyone can attract audiences at the very beginning. It requires certain actions to be performed at a regular basis. I was pretty lucky to read many newsletters on how to boost up traffic at beginning level. I learned some awesome techniques there. Those techniques worked for me, hope it would work for you as well.
Here I present my 10 awesome techniques that beginners can try to increase their audience number. These are tips so powerful that you will get instant results.
I have made the list on descending order. It would create enough momentum for you blog’s traffic as you pass by each one of the tips mentioned here. When you create this momentum you will have a daily 500 visitors. Then you don’t need to work hard, just post new articles, and serve the best interest of you audience. Your blog will run like an automated machine!
My 10 Awesome Traffic Tips for New Bloggers
10. Pillar Articles!! Create Great Pillar Articles
Before I proceed, do you really know what a pillar article is? It is a tutorial based articles written for teaching you audience something that they don’t know. Pillar articles have some special features that distinguish from other posts. It attracts the audience’s at the first sight, makes audiences read the articles. A pillar article consists of more than 550 words. It provides a good number of tips which are very easily feasible. It also provides many suggestions about certain topic. This article that I have written for you is an example of a pillar article. Pillar articles has the ability to create instant attention, it  provides long term value for audience. So, the more you write pillar articles, the better result for your blog you will get
9. Try to Post One Article Everyday 
 You can’t pillar articles every day; it’s not possible I know. But you need to keep your audiences satisfied every day. For this, you are required to write at least one post per day. I would create a good impression for your new blog. Audience will have a positive attitude when they will find your blog being updated every day. Eventually, they will come back frequently to read some fresh posts every time they visit your you can create many loyal audiences for your blog .It will make your audience bookmark your blog. In this way you can create many loyal audiences for your blog
You need to write a post everyday but that does not mean you  have to do it for a long time. Do this for getting the momentum, when you get enough traffic, you can slow it down. Your loyal audiences won’t mind that. But always you need to keep your blog updated with fresh articles. May be you can produce 3-4 articles in a week when you have more than 2000 visitors a day. But your blog needs to be updated very frequently, remember that!
8. Use a Proper Domain Name
 Are you really serious about blogging? Then you should consider using an appropriate domain name .If you want people to know about your blog, you must set an easy domain name, not a difficult one I have seen people talking about good blogs but can’t say the name of the blogs properly. It’s because the name of the blogs are so uncommon and difficult that the audiences can’t remember the names for a long time. So, try to pick an easy one for your blog and spread that, you will have a good result.
7.  Make a Habit of Commenting on Same Niche Blogs
You will find plenty of blogs on your niche where you can comment about the post. These comments are great ways to spread your blog. People will know your blogs name and it will create an incoming link for your blog. When you comment on others blog try to find out the same niche, it will attract more and more audiences to your blog.
When you comment be careful, don’t create spam. Provide valuable comment that can help improve the blog’s post and make it better resource for others. Use your real name and then post your link properly.

6. Create One or Two Way Link to Other Blog Post. 
It’s a good technique that I used to do when I was a beginner. I wrote articles and linked to other blogger’s posts. It creates a one way link and gets the attention of other bloggers. It makes you more familiar with different bloggers and helps you share knowledge and expertise on the same niche. I would also create more loyal audiences for your blog .Don’t forget to try this one, it works pretty well indeed.
5. Make Your Blog Comment Section More Interactive
 The best way to create loyal audience is to show them you care for them a lot. You can show this in the commenting section of your blog. Ask them to provide valuable suggestions, ask them what type of posts they want to see in future. When you ask them for their desire things, they consider you as a well-wisher. They will give you suggestions, ask question to you. Try to provide good answers to their questions. Never forget to leave any question unanswered, when you give value to others, you also get value from others.
4. Use Blog Carnival To Have Free Traffic to Your Blog. 
Do you know what a blog carnival is? if you don’t know, here is a little summary of that.It’s a collection of specific posts collected from different bloggers.This blog carnival presents some of the bests featured posts on a specific topic.It would not create a huge audience number for you but you will enjoy free traffic if your post gets noticed.
To know more about blog carnival, I would like you to  go to Carnival of the Cats . All your confusions will come to end. If you want to see a list of blog carnival, lets have a look on Carnival Submit Form.
3. Blog Submission to Top Submission Sites.It won’t crate a spike in your audience number but the thing it does is, it creates a momentum for your blog’s traffic.Gradually, it would make your traffic more permanent. when you go to Blog Top Sites,  you have to look for right category so that you can submit. You need to do couple of steps to submit the blog properly. After that no need to do anything else. Just relax and see how the traffic comes to your blog. It won;t be huge but over the passage of time you will get a strong traffic for your blog.
2. Try to Submit Your Blog 
Another great way to have free traffic to your blog.To be  frank, it will help you a little but still it has potential traffic power.Keep submitting your pillar articles to  Ezine Articles in every week. When you do that , people will republish your pillar posts to their blogs. It can also be re-posted on different newsletters. It makes your article flowing, you never know how many people would read that republished posts!!
There is an interesting thing in this article submission site named “Resource Box” . You have to create this box.This box will work for you. If anyone wishes to publish your post on his/her blog, they have to include this box.Just think like this way, if anyone having a huge follower publishes your post, you can get a flood of new visitors to your blog !!!
1.           Pillar Articles, The Secret of Your Blog’s Traffic. These 9 points will work for you certainly, it would create a strong traffic system for your blog. But believe me, it would not last for long if you don’t produce quality pillar articles in a regular basis. Pillar articles are the secret formula of every blogger who have succeeded in this profession. Pillar articles make their blogs alive and interactive for along time.It creates the thrust for more in audience’s mind.If you can’t produce it regularly, audiences won’t be loyal to you. Remember, it’s a business. Where you give service and receive something of value in return. Pillar articles are the boosters in this profession!! try to produce it at least one pillar article once a week when your blog becomes don’t need to look back, I guarantee...
I hope these traffic tips will help you boost up your audience number. These things worked for me , I hope it would work for you as well. But you must remember that these things are conditional, you must work hard on writing quality articles and your determination must be solid. Don’t give up too easily, wait for result, don’t loose your patience, you will be rewarded my friend!!